Modern Martyrs

Statues of the Modern Martyrs
Statues of the Modern Martyrs

Below this menu option, I want to say thanks to the people I admire for dedicating their lives to the greater good, in one way or another. Suggestions are always welcome ofcourse, and can be sent to me via an email to Anton Nieuwenhuizen.

On this cover-page, I’d like to show the Modern Martyrs, as found on the outside of Westminster Abbey, which inspired me to add my own ‘Martyrs’

Above the Abbey’s Great West Door stand ten statues to modern martyrs – Christians who gave up their lives for their beliefs.

Statues of the ten modern martyrs

The martyrs are drawn from every continent and many Christian denominations and represent all who have been oppressed or persecuted for their faith. Among them are victims of Nazism, communism and religious prejudice in the 20th century. They are, from left to right:

Statues of the Modern Martyrs
Statues of the Modern Martyrs

Commemorating saints

The lower part of this facade was completed in the 15th century and the niches were evidently intended for statues but they were never filled. The major restoration of the west front, completed in 1995, provided the opportunity for their original purpose to be fulfilled. It was decided to use the ten niches not just to commemorate saints or worthy figures from the past (as is the case with most of the Abbey’s exterior statuary) but to proclaim a message of which too few people are aware: the 20th century was a century of Christian martyrdom. Although the statues are of individual martyrs they are intended to represent all those others who have died (and continue to die) in similar circumstances of oppression and persecution. Those represented were chosen by a Committee headed by the Sub Dean of the Abbey.

Designing and unveiling

Models for the statues were carefully designed by Tim Crawley (of the firm Rattee & Kett of Cambridge) from records and photographs as exist of each martyr. Under his direction he and three other sculptors carried out the work. The statues, carved from French Richemont limestone, were unveiled on 9th July 1998 by the Archbishop of Canterbury at a service attended by relatives, many church leaders and representatives of different faiths. The Duke of Edinburgh, grand nephew of Grand Duchess Elizabeth, attended with HM Queen Elizabeth II.

statues of the ten modern martyrs


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